Nu Psi Chapter History
The Nu Psi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated was founded on the campus of Virginia State College (Now Virginia State University) in 1927. The Chapter was organized under the influence of Bro. Luther P. Jackson, Charter member of Delta Omega Chapter, the chapter which aided Nu Psi Chapter in getting a charter.
The late Brother Luther P. Jackson and Brother Hermanze E. Fauntleroy, both of Delta Omega Chapter presided during the first meeting of "Nu Psi" at which time officers were elected. Brother W.C. Rogers was elected Basileus; Brother R. L. Nelson, KRS; Brother P.A. Seldon, Keeper of Finance; Brother D. M. Crocket, Chaplain; Brother J. H. Trotter, Chapter Editor; and Brother B. C. Colley, Keeper of Peace.
Since its founding, Nu Psi Chapter has striven to uphold and promote the principles of the fraternity. Thus, Nu Psi, through its faithful brothers, has contributed to the welfare and growth of the college. With active participation in student government, the school newspaper, athletics and other campus organizations.
This chapter prides itself on its traditions and an enthusiastic precision stepping style which brought the chapter and fraternity fame by showcasing our talents on the Arsenio Hall Show in 1992. This premiere showcase electrified the audiences across the nation bringing about a new love for black fraternity "Stepping". Because of these traditions, the chapter has managed to make its mark above average and as a result, it is one of the most profound and world renowned chapters in the fraternity. We will continue to uphold the history of the fraternity, by continuing the tradition of our mandated programs initialized by our fraternity's founders. Nu Psi Chapter keeps anew the foundations of Omega at Virginia State University
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